Softwares para Geologia
Macintosh software and some more links relevant for geoscientists (R. Petschick, Frankfurt DE)
Geoscience related software (Mac DOS Windows UNIX) (Erlangen DE)
Geoscience related DOS and UNIX software (Clausthal DE)
Links to Geoscience Freeware/Shareware (Houston)
Software Links (Innsbrück AT)
Geological Software Resources (Oxford UK)
Software written by members of Earth Sciences (Cambridge UK)
Macintosh Geological Software (Geology Department TCU)
Rockware Earth Science Software
Petro Dynamics (Basin Modelling)
UK Earth Science Courseware Consortium (Manchester)
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software Directory
The Soft Earth (Philip Ingram)
Computers & Geosciences
GeoCommunity - Software
GeoMedia: geoprocessamento / Intergraph
Geosoft International
Pagina do Software da CPRM
Software em geologia
TermoBarometria-Prog. ThermoCalc-Holland & Powell,98
Site FTP para download (Newpet e outros programas)